Ignition by Chris Smith - Trick

Ignition is a key that can penetrate any borrowed object - a bill, a sugar packet, even a spectator's sleeve. Yet, when you rip the key out, there's no hole, no rip and no damage! You can pass the key and the borrowed object IMMEDIATELY for examination - there's only one key. They won't find anything because Ignition is a REAL CAR KEY that can withstand the closest inspection - even by a locksmith!

The handling is so easy, anyone can learn it in minutes. There's even a quick start method that will get you performing immediately.

Ignition can be performed anywhere - surrounded. It's good for table hoppers, magicians on-the-go, and those spur of the moment situations when someone asks to 'see something'.

Ignition comes with access to an online instructional video that teaches 3 different routines:
  • Key through bill
  • Key through sugar packet
  • Key through shirt

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